Featuring English-Spanish Poetry by Gabriela Marie Milton

Dear Readers,

Thank you for your love and support. I am thrilled to let you know that next year I will publish a bilingual English-Spanish poetry book entitled Thorns that bloom/Espinas que echan flor. More about the book and how it came about later. For the moment I will share a poem I selected to include in the book entitled Seduction. Seduction was first published in English in my poetry collection Passion: Love Poems in Other Writings accompanied by an Italian translation belonging to Flavio Almerighi, a wonderful Italian poet. This time I hope you enjoy Seduction in English and Spanish.

Gabriela Marie Milton


The rhythm of castanets awakens the moon
on opal rings your kisses spin
a cricket’s hitting a crescendo
waves tattoo dark shadows on your skin
sonority, you who vibrates the souls
of those who haunt at night the Port of Cartagena

I toss in smells of apricots and plumes
the Hand of Fatima takes off my veils
your forehead sinks into the sweat of lovers
who sever their veins
oh, dream of the unknowns,
you, latency,
the sigh of blood which flows
in spring both mud and flowers grow

didn’t you know
that when you said I love you
you stepped on roads of fables and folk tales?
you glued your heart onto a purple sunset
smells of lilac and of roses, impregnated strolls,
it wasn’t me
it was you who stole his soul.

Seducción (Spanish Translation)

El ritmo de las castañuelas despierta a la luna,
sobre anillos de ópalo giran tus besos,
un grillo se marca un crescendo
las olas tatúan oscuras sombras sobre tu piel;
sonoridad, tú que haces vibrar las almas
de aquellos que rondan de noche
el Puerto de Cartagena.

Me balanceo entre olores de albaricoque y ciruela,
la mano de Fátima retira mis velos,
tu frente se hunde en el sudor de los amantes
que inflaman sus venas.
¡Oh! amor de desconocidos,
tú, latencia,
suspiro de sangre
que fluye en primavera
alimentando tanto flores como tierra

¿No sabías
que al decir te quiero
te adentraste en senderos
de fábulas y cuentos?
tu corazón quedó prendado de un atardecer púrpura
impregnado de aromas a lilas y a rosas;
vosotros robasteis su alma,
no fui yo.


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Tan-Renga by Christina Chin and Uchechukwu Onyedikam

Literary Revelations is thrilled to bring you the poetry of Christina Chin and Uchechukwu Onyedikam. Together they wrote two excellent Japanese Tan-Renga.


Uchechukwu Onyedikam is a Nigerian creative artist based in Lagos, Nigeria. His poems have appeared in Amsterdam Quarterly, Brittle Paper, Poetic Africa, Hood Communists and in print anthologies. He and Christina Chin co-authored Pouring Light on the Hills (2022).

Christina Chin is a painter and haiku poet from Malaysia. She is a four-time recipient of the top 100 in the DAC Summit Contests, exhibited at the Palo Alto Art Center, California. She is also the 1st prize winner of the 34th Annual Cherry Blossom Sakura Festival Haiku Contest (2020).


the dull midnight star
a trailer to the homestead
mother lay still breathless
the solemn departure
of the village babu

Uchechukwu Onyedikam/Christina Chin

the young boy
clings to her lifeless body
screams above the breath
a scene of loss
family mourning

Christina Chin/Uchechukwu Onyedikam


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A Different Monday at Literary Revelations – Dark Fantasy – The Poetry of Spyder Collins


Spyder is a simple wraith that spins odd and fantastic tales of horror and dark fantasy. As well, his web has been known to spawn melancholy and sometimes horrific poetry. Spyder dwells at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean or at times in the Rocky Mountains. No matter where he may be, rest assured darkness accompanies his adventures. Publishing credit of his work can be found at: Quill and Crow Publishing and Hellbound Books.

In Her

In her
I’ve found the comfort of silence
the crisp autumn air
& the ocean’s tide
she is my twilight
the warmth of a blanket of stars
where I can curl up
& simply be
no need for wasted words
to say that which is known
but always room for tenderness
inviting arms that soothe
she warms my heart
& brightens my soul
I have found
where I belong
with her

Fate’s Unholy Grave

Grave the fate of the desirous
Call devotion moderna, blind lust
Cardinal, your sin lies upon avarice
The hymns of angels are cancerous

Tout your glutton-like holy charms
Spite humanity no matter whom it harms
Light the wanting with candle fire
Lust for greed stakes the saints on the pyre

Quiet, you sulk as the glow fades
Upon the black mass altar, your soul is laid
Death weaves your flesh like lattice bone
& eternity burns beneath tears to atone

Deaf are the ears of light & divinity
Cast your essence to the fiery sea
This fate of greed’s overreaching sin
Hush now your cries lost to the sinking din

featured image provided by the author


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Happy Saturday and More News from Literary Revelations

Literary Revelations wishes you and your family a Happy Saturday.

We are thrilled to let you know that Building Sandcastles: A Book of Short Poems by C.X. Turner and James Welsh – 8 days after its launch – is still a #1 bestseller in the UK. It is not only a bestseller in Hot New Releases. It is #1 in all published haiku poetry books.

Both authors are under a pen name. We could not publicize the book the way others can. And yet we reached the sky. That’s because of those who recognize talent no matter what. That’s because of those of you who love great poetry. That’s because of those who love quality. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. This is the kind of readership we want.

Roberta Beach Jacobson Editor, Cold Moon Journal and Five Fleas (Itchy Poetry) tells us: “Building Sandcastles: A Book of Short Poems, the stunning new collection by C.X. Turner and James Welsh, is a must-have for your shelves. These thought-provoking haiku and senryu left me breathless.”

Please stay tuned for more exciting news, including news that involves our Literary Revelations poetry community.


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The Poetry of Dawn Pisturino

Literary Revelations is thrilled to feature the poetry of Dawn Pisturino. We hope you enjoy it.


Dawn Pisturino is a retired nurse in Arizona whose publishing credits include poems, limericks, short stories, and articles. Her poetry has appeared in several anthologies, most recently in Hidden in Childhood: A Poetry Anthology, Wounds I Healed: The Poetry of Strong Women, and the 2023 Arizona Literary Magazine. She is a Mystery Writers of America and Arizona Authors Association member.

You and I

can only take
so much pain
and trauma
until they shut down
and tune out
and wish it all away.

never understood
how much pain
you caused
to others.

You died.
And so, we parted,
never really knowing one another.
How sad!

The Old Man at the Piano

His wrinkled fingers
lovingly touched
the yellowed keys
of the battered upright

and he began to play
a sentimental song from long ago
when Julie danced
and Helen sang
and Lola sat beside him on the bench
pounding a playful duet.
The war was raging then
and at night the sirens blared
calling the people of the city
into underground hiding.
They clung to each other in the dark
while bombs exploded
and buildings collapsed
and smoke filled the war-torn city.
We have to live! We have to survive!
they cried in their hearts
not knowing if their houses
remained intact
not knowing if there was anything left
but memories
scattered pieces
of treasured greeting cards
and faded photographs.
In the morning
the light would come

shining through the darkness
and the wind would blow
driving away the smoke
and they congratulated one another
on surviving another day.

While reading Dawn’s wonderful poetry please do not forget to check out our most recent release, Building Sandcastles: A Book of Short Poems by C.X. Turner and James Welsh. The book is still a bestseller in several markets in New Hot Releases [including the US]. On August 13 Building Sandcastles was featured as the #1 bestselling haiku book in the UK.


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Building Sandcastles is now #1 and #2 in the US market and #1 in the UK and Canada

Literary Revelations is thrilled to let you know that Building Sandcastles: A Book of Short Poems by C.X. Turner and James Welsh is now #1 and #2 in the US market [New Releases – Haiku and Japanese Poetry] and #1 in the UK and Canada. I am thrilled to be the publisher of this book. Thank you to those who help us.

Here is one of the reviews that the book has already received.

Please check out the book below.

Thank you.


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Building Sandcastles: A Book of Short Poems by C.X. Turner and James Welsh is now a #1 Amazon Bestseller

Literary Revelations is thrilled to let you know that Building Sandcastles: A Book of Short Poems by C.X. Turner and James Welsh is now a #1 Amazon Bestseller [Haiku & Japanese Poetry]. We made to #1 in several hours after the launch. Thank you to those who supported us,

Thrilled to be the publisher of this astonishing book.


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Live on Amazon – Building Sandcastles: A Book of Short Poems by C.X. Turner and James Welsh

Literary Revelations is proud to let you know that Building Sandcastles: A Book of Short Poems by C.X. Turner and James Welsh is now live on Amazon. The book is a superb collection of haiku and senryu. Please read the Amazon description and check out the book.

Building Sandcastles: A Book of Short Poems by C.X. Turner and James Welsh is a spectacular collection. From every page the beauty of haiku and senryu poetry jumps, inscribing itself in the soul of the reader with color, sonority, melancholy, grief, and love. Water, clouds, memories, do not only mark chapters. They become the real soul of the book. The transitory nature of haiku and senryu – with their delicate and ethereal qualities – is magically transformed by the authors into permanence. That is no easy thing to do. C.X. Turner and James Welsh create a world of splendor and depth that will forever mark those who read the book.

The book showcases seven wonderful sketches done by C.X. Turner. You will find beauty and great substance in them.

Building Sandcastleshas received plenty of advanced praise:

Bryan Rickert, Editor: Failed Haiku Journal of Senryu, President: The Haiku Society of America writes: “With both broad brushstrokes and intimate details, these two poets paint the beautiful experience of their haiku worlds.”

Joe Woodhouse, Editor: Wales Haiku Journal states that: “In one breath tender and poignant, in the next stark and arresting, this collection of short poems is a journey of discovery through an evocative series of moments in nature. It is an exploration of that yearning to glean meaning from the chaotic lives we all lead.”

Roberta Beach JacobsonEditor, Cold Moon Journal and Five Fleas (Itchy Poetry) tells us: “Building Sandcastles: A Book of Short Poems, the stunning new collection by C.X. Turner and James Welsh, is a must-have for your shelves. These thought-provoking haiku and senryu left me breathless.”

Literary Revelations is proud to publish this unbelievable poetry collection.


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Building Sandcastles: A Book of Short Poems by C.X. Turner and James Welsh will be released August 11, 2023

Hello Everyone. Literary Revelations is proud to let you know that Building Sandcastles: A Book of Short Poems by C.X. Turner and James Welsh will be released August 11.

Please return to this space for more updates.

Amazon Description

Building Sandcastles: A Book of Short Poems by C.X. Turner and James Welsh is a spectacular collection. From every page the beauty of haiku and senryu poetry jumps, inscribing itself in the soul of the reader with color, sonority, melancholy, grief, and love. Water, clouds, memories, do not only mark chapters. They become the real soul of the book. The transitory nature of haiku and senryu – with their delicate and ethereal qualities – is magically transformed by the authors into permanence. That is no easy thing to do.  C.X. Turner and James Welsh create a world of splendor and depth that will forever mark those who read the book.

The book showcases seven wonderful sketches done by C.X. Turner. You will find beauty and great substance in them.

The book has received plenty of advanced praise: 

Bryan Rickert, Editor: Failed Haiku Journal of Senryu, President: The Haiku Society of America writes: “With both broad brushstrokes and intimate details, these two poets paint the beautiful experience of their haiku worlds.” 

Joe Woodhouse, Editor: Wales Haiku Journal states that: “In one breath tender and poignant, in the next stark and arresting, this collection of short poems is a journey of discovery through an evocative series of moments in nature. It is an exploration of that yearning to glean meaning from the chaotic lives we all lead.”

Roberta Beach JacobsonEditor, Cold Moon Journal and Five Fleas (Itchy Poetry) tells us: “Building Sandcastles: A Book of Short Poems, the stunning new collection by C.X. Turner and James Welsh, is a must-have for your shelves. These thought-provoking haiku and senryu left me breathless.” 

Literary Revelations is proud to publish this unbelievable poetry collection.


There has never been a collection of short poems and haiku that stirred so much beauty and so many emotions in my soul like Building Sandcastles: A Book of Short Poems by C.X.Turner and James Welsh.

I want to be clear from the beginning. There is always a certain degree of disparity between the consciousness of a poet and reality. C.X.Turner and James Welsh fill that gap with intricate feelings, fragrances, colors, flowers, birds, and memories, until we do not understand anymore where dreams stop, and reality emerges.

The delicacy of their word and sound impregnates every poem.

around a bend
on a woodland path
the chime of bluebells

river walk—
the gentle weeping
of white peony petals

Make no mistake. Their poems are not only delicate and breathtaking in imagery. They are also philosophical. Moreover, the authors steer clear of “fixing” feelings. They live the good and the bad, a remarkable move in a world in which commercialism and slogans bombard us every day; a world that denies an entire repertoire of human feelings to replace it with the today’s socially engineered state of “happiness.”

weeping cloud
I don’t try to fix

a grieving friend
love, blown from a candle
in the wind

C.X.Turner and James Welsh transform the impossible into possible. They transmute the physical world into a world of magnificent beauty and depth that will forever mark those who read them.

Gabriela Marie Milton
author, editor, publisher  


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Sunday Feature – C. Jean Downer: A Wonderful Poet and Novelist

Literary Revelations is thrilled to present you with the wonderful work of C. Jean Downer. I hope you enjoy the feature. Have a great week ahead everyone.


C. Jean Downer is a poet and novelist formerly from the US Southwest now living in the Canadian Pacific Northwest with her wife of twenty years, their two fabulous teenage daughters, two lazy dogs, and three chill cats. She loves to write poetry, especially short form, with work featured in journals and anthologies, including Hidden Childhood, Wounds I Healed, Autumn Moon, Modern Haiku, Heron’s Nest, Presence, Wales Haiku, Akitsu Quarterly, Failed Haiku, Canada Haiku Review, and numerous others. Downer also writes traditional detective fiction with a magical twist. She’s a self-proclaimed expert in the genre with thousands of mystery books, television episodes, and movies to her reading and viewing credit. Even her family refuses to watch mysteries with her unless she promises to zip it.

Her debut, Lies Are Forever, A Sloane West Mystery is available for pre-order and will be released on December 19th, 2023.

Years Later

Her summer scent
escapes my memories
sun-kissed mornings
sugar sands
nights of salt and sweat
ocean’s ebb and flow
within our fingertips.
Into days and nights
softer, quieter,
evening snow
white blanket meadows
hothouse peonies
unfurling our love
familiar and complete.

Pandemic House Guest

I apologize out loud
for the annoying fly
buzzing in the house.

I named her Alice
after she appeared through
a tear in the screen door.

She hangs with me
like the necklace around my neck
with my daughters’ names.

The one I will only take off
when they eat enough to be
whole again.

The one I rub between my
finger and thumb and pray
they desire to live again.

So please don’t ask me to swat
Alice dead, not in this year full
of so much sadness and death.

Short form

after all this death
waiting for her to smile

in a dried-up stock pond
upright boots

Lies Are Forever – released on December 19th, 2023 – blurb

Ex-New York City cop turned private investigator Sloane West’s penchant for Irish whiskey isn’t assuaging the worst month of her life. Her mother recently died, and her ex-best friend and ex-girlfriend have sent her an invitation to their upcoming nuptials.

Thankfully, a solicitor arrives and distracts her faster than a night of drinking Jameson neat with news that Sloane has inherited her late grandparents’—whom she didn’t know existed—island estate.

When Sloane refuses her inheritance, the solicitor encourages her to at least visit her mother’s birthplace. Eager to discover her magical roots and a birthright her mother hid, Sloane agrees. As she’s finalizing travel plans, a man kicks in her door and turns a gun on her, but Sloane kills him with her unchecked magical strength. Now she must figure out who wants her dead.

On Vancouver Island, Sloane delves into the mysterious and deceptive lives of her suspects. And as the attacks on her and her newly found coven intensify, she must choose whether to embrace her power as a protector or flee from her birthright.

Please do not forget:

Literary Revelations will release Building Sandcastles: A Book of Short Poems by C.X. Turner and James Welsh on August 11. Please stay tuned for more updates.


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